Wednesday, April 26

Tony Campolo quote about Dobson

What are your thoughts on this quote by Tony Campolo, an evangelical author and social commentator.

“You dare not go against Jim Dobson these days. This is the guru, the new pope. He is infallible. Anybody that contradicts him is obviously out of the will of God.”

I think there are some Christian folks out there who worship or "idolize" Doc Dob's every notion on Christian living, morality and/or political values; and if you're a Christian who disagrees with him, then maybe you need be fasting and praying... because you're not right with God. Maybe there are some other Christian peeps who feel the same way about Campolo, Donald Miller or John Eldrige?


I often wonder what if Christians actually focused more on loving God, each other and ourselves rather than putting all of our energy in changing laws or people. Have you seen someone come to Christ via morality?


Anonymous said...

My mom practically idolizes Jim Dobson and Chuck Swindol. Heaven forbid I disagree with anything she heard from them and tries to feed me. They have a lot of common sense-sounding messages that somehow cause people to turn their brains off and accept whatever they hear. The problem is, a lot of what they talk about takes a very narrow view of scripture, and ignores the large parts of the gospels where Jesus shows grace and compassion to those who live outside God's will. I could go on, but I'll just get mad.

--Your Mom

bansheewigs said...

thanks for your thoughts. and, don't get mad.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is that no human, no matter how Christian or whatever, is infallible. We all make mistakes and have our own interpritation of the Bible based on our past experience.
