Sunday, September 24

Deal Breakers

Not long ago, my friend Brad was telling me about deal breakers. He and his friend wanted to create a game called Deal Breakers.

He was referring to dating relationships or pre-dating relationships where we either let those little things slide or we make that little annoying habit or idiosyncrasy a deal breaker and put the kibosh on the relationship. I think Seinfeld had a lot of deal breakers on their show.

Examples of Deal Breakers:

  1. You live downtown. He doesn't know (or want to learn) how to parallel park. [True, I ended a 'relationship' because he couldn't parallel park.]
  2. He never tips, or only gives a 5% tip.
  3. She has an annoying laugh.
  4. He has a small toy poodle that he pets all of the time, takes the little dog everywhere, etc.
  5. Her apartment smells like a cross between glue and vomit.
  6. He wears tapered jeans.
  7. She doesn't shave her pits.
  8. He never has toilet paper in his apartment.
  9. She constantly gossips about people you know about.
  10. He only eats fast food and refuses to learn how to cook for himself.
  11. He or she has facial hair.
  12. She has a blog.

What are your deal breakers?


Anonymous said...

In no particular order:
- Isn't in an active pursuit of and engaged in a relationship with Jesus
- Lazy
- Self-centered
- Dishonest, disrespectful, and/or flakey.
- Not self-aware or interested in self improvement.
- Ignorant/unaware of current events
- Close-minded
- Lacks the capacity for abstract thought
- Doesn't exercise, eat well, or otherwise take care of herself.
- Smokes
- Frequently drinks too much
- She has facial hair
- Afraid to try new things/challenges and/or won't attempt something she doesn't understand.
- Doesn't regularly read or reads mostly pop/pulp/trashy books
- Enjoys, supports, and defends reality television
- Uses poor English, especially the new/old trend of (mis)using "hysterical" in place of "hilarious".
- Her neuroses are not compatible with my neuroses.
- She is a man.
- She is a woman.

bansheewigs said...

thanks, matt. that's quite a list of deal breakers.

so, are you still single?

Anonymous said...


Those were just off the top of my head, but I've had a few more years than you to think about it. Plus, I left (at least) two off:
- Bad sense of humor
- Failure to put the toilet seat down before flushing

I know that last post was ambiguous, so let me clarify: I remain absolutely, positively, permanently, and committed(ly) single (and I'm looking into monk internships).

My philosophy on the matter is: "Girls are icky; therefore, romantic entanglement/interaction with them is best avoided."

bansheewigs said...

yes, they must put the seat down before flushing! TOTALLY AGREE! otherwise what's in the toilet will be sprayed all over the bathroom when flushed. gross! in fact, that might even be a deal breaker with some friends of mine.

monk internship program sounds like a great plan, my friend.

yeah, if the guy hates or doesn't get The Simpson's then that's for sure a deal breaker!